

  • 14
  • 公司认证: 营业执照未认证
  • 企业性质:
  • 公司地址: 上海市 闸北区 上海市闸北区广中路
  • 姓名: 朱先生
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定


    供应美国贝克曼库尔特DTX 880/800 多功能酶标仪

  • 所属行业:仪器仪表 生物仪器 特殊生物仪器
  • 发布日期:2014-06-10
  • 阅读量:211
  • 价格:面议
  • 产品规格:不限
  • 产品数量:不限
  • 包装说明:不限
  • 发货地址:上海闸北  
  • 关键词:美国,美DTX,880/800,多功能,酶标仪

    供应美国贝克曼库尔特DTX 880/800 多功能酶标仪详细内容

    DTX多功能酶标仪适用于各种药物研究、基因组实验、蛋白分析、细胞培养等试验操作,性能优良、使用广泛,可单机运行, 也可连接到自动化系统使用。 DTX880型号配置有7种检测功能,能进行可见光、紫外光、荧光灯波长的检测, 波长230-750纳米之间均可调节。96孔板和394孔板均能使用。The DTX Multimode plate readers are ideal for use in applications such as drug discovery, genomics, proteomics, and cell-based research. These instruments can operate as stand-alone devices or can be integrated into Biomek* laboratory automation workstations. The unique optics design ensures precise performance and sensitivity across all detection modes. Integration with automated liquid handling systems is facilitated by a choice of plate loading options, which include an extra-wide plate access door, and the ability to accept plates in portrait or landscape formats.
    DTX800型号主要适用于荧光检测, 用户可在波长340-650纳米之间选择。96孔板和384孔板均能使用。The DTX 800 conducts fluorescence intensity-top read, absorbance-visible, and glow luminescence for 96-well to 384-well plates, as well as linear and orbital shaking. Programmable endpoint, kinetic, multiple wavelength, linear scan, and area scan measurement types are available. Easily accessible 6-position filter slides allow wavelength selection from 340–650nm. 
      DTX 880型号 DTX 800型号 
    Fluorescence Intensity-Top Read,荧光检测 维修售后热线:
    Wavelength Range:波长范围 230–750 nm 340–650 nm 
    Detection Limit (96-Well):检测限度 1.5 fmol/200 μL fluorescein 10 fmol/200 μL fluorescein 
    检测限度 1.5 fmol/100 μL fluorescein 5 fmol/100 μL fluorescein 
    Linear Dynamic Range:线性范围 5 decades 5 decades 
    Read Time (Fly Mode):测读时间 18 sec. on 96-well;37 sec. on 384-well 18 sec. on 96-well; 37 sec. on 384-well 
    Luminescence (Glow),荧光 
    Wavelength Range:波长范围 400–750 nm 400–650 nm 
    Detection Limit (96-Well):检测限度 2 fmol ATP 2 fmol ATP 
    Linear Dynamic Range:线性范围 5 decades 5 decades 
    Read Time (Fly Mode):测读时间 18 sec. on 96-well; 37 sec. on 384-well 18 sec.on 96-well; 37 sec. on 384-well 
    Absorbance,吸收波 维修售后热线:
    Wavelength Range: 230–650 nm 340–650 nm 
    Indication Range:范围 0–3.5 OD 0–3.5 OD 
    Accuracy:准确度 <+1% +10 mOD at 2 OD <+1% +10 mOD at 2 OD 
    Reproducibility:重复性 <+0.5% and +0.005 OD at 2 OD   <+0.5% and +0.005 OD at 2 OD 
    Read Time:测读时间 18 sec. on 96-well; 37 sec. on 384-well 18 sec.on 96-well; 37 sec. on 384-well
    欢迎来到上海恒久医疗器械有限公司网站, 具体地址是上海市闸北区上海市闸北区广中路,联系人是朱先生。 主要经营主要从事酶标仪,洗板机,半自动生化仪,各种实验耗材等销售业务,代理**有雷勃,伯乐,宝特,安图斯等国际****。 单位注册资金未知。